The Importance of Having a Gun Safe

Being in the lock business we get asked many questions about different kinds of locks. One of the questions we get asked the most is whether or not we think if you own a gun you should have a gun safe? To tell you the absolute truth this is a question that we think should never be asked. If you own a gun having a gun safe is not an option it’s a ‘must have’ type deal.

Why do we say this? It’s for several reasons. First and foremost is the number of gun related accidents around the home that injure or kill children each year. This alone makes owning a gun safe worth every penny you spend on one. There are other very good reasons why owning a gun safe is very important too. We will discuss many of these reasons here in this article.

Reasons Why It’s Important to Have a Guns Safe

  • Safety/Child safety

    Of course this is the single most important reason to own a gun safe. Handguns and the like are especially dangerous when kept out in the open or hidden in your home in a way they are not locked up. We already mentioned that you would be absolutely amazed by the number of handgun incidents involving small children each year in the USA.

    Leaving a handgun out may also encourage other family and friends to play around in an area they shouldn’t either. So it’s best to error on the side of caution and always keep all of your firearms safely locked up.

  • Theft

    When someone breaks into your home they look for two things. They are cash and items they can quickly turn into cash. Firearms fall nicely into the latter category. That’s why they are one of the most targeted items during any home burglary.

    Safes not only often can prevent one of your valued handguns or rifles from being stolen but a good safe will deter a would be crook from even trying. If you have a large enough gun safe it can even be used to stop thieves from getting quick access to cash, jewelry and other small valuables you like to keep around your home too.


  • Preparedness

    This is one important advantage of gun safes that people often overlook. It’s because people see having a gun stored in a gun safe as being unprepared for an emergency situation that may arise when you need to get your gun ready for use quickly. With today’s gun safes nothing could be further from the truth.

    Here is the reason why. Most people who do not keep their guns in gun safes do not leave them loaded obviously. When you keep your gun in a safe in a safe you can keep it loaded without having too many worries as long as you restrict access to its combination or code. Also, with todays advanced safe unlocking technologies such as push button codes and biometric locks getting access to the guns stored in your gun safe has never been faster.

    We would be willing to bet that it’s much faster to get a loaded handgun out of a biometric handgun safe kept next to your bed and have it ready to use than it is to retrieve an unlocked gun from where you are hiding it and then finding and loading its ammunition into it.

  • Longevity/Cleanliness/ Preservation

    Here are some other often overlooked reasons why it’s not only safer but a great idea to store a gun in an approved gun safe. When your firearm is stored inside one of these locking devices it will stay in better condition too. You will not have to do such things as clean massive amounts of dust and pet dander off your gun before you take it out to shoot it.

    If you are a gun collector sure it’s nice to have them stored in a rack for people to view them buy it also exposes them to dust, smoke and other pollutants commonly found in many homes. Over time these things will takes their toll on your guns delicate metal and wood finish and actually start to devalue them.

  • Conformance to Laws

    Here is as an important of a reason to keep your guns locked up in an approved safe as any of them. Some states such as California simply require it by law. Failure to do so can result in huge fines and or having your guns confiscated from you. It’s never a bad idea to call your local police station in your town to see what’s required from you as far as complying with the state laws for locking up your guns.

  • Protection from Fire/ Natural Disasters

    Gun safes protect your guns from much more than accidents and theft too. Some of them will also protect your guns and other contents in them for a small period of time against fire and many are completely waterproof too even if they are submerged.

  • Insurance Purposes

    In some states if you are a gun owner it may even give you a break on your insurance bill if you own a gun safe. See, sometime it actually pays you to be smart in the way you keep your guns locked up and out of harm’s way.

Local Gun Safe Expert

If you live in the Rockwall, TX area, feel free to give us a call regarding any home gun safe questions you may have. Please be aware also that we sell, service, repair and change combinations on most any type of gun safe that you can possibly think of. It’s one of our specialties. We are a completely mobile locksmith service that will come to you anywhere you live in Rockwall, Texas and take care of each and every one of your gun safe needs. But if you're not in Rockwall, look for a proficient locksmith in your area.

Please remember, if you own a gun do yourself a big favor and give yourself extra peace of mind too by locking it safe and secure in an approved gun safe or gun storage device.

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Phone: (972) 338-9710
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